Well equipped, a wise choice

To get the most out of your day of skiing or snowboarding, you need the right equipment.

Comfort and safety are often the main things to look for when buying gear. Here are a few tips to help you make the right choice.

1. Helmet

Why wear a helmet?

Helmets are now an integral piece of equipment. Over 80% of Quebec skiers wear them. Helmets are strongly recommended to help prevent injuries. Today’s helmets are warm and comfortable and helps keeping you safe while you ski or snowboard. Plus, helmets have been mandatory in all snow parks in Quebec since 2007.

But wearing a helmet doesn’t make you invincible! The best protection against accidents is knowing and respecting your limits—and the Mountain Code of Conduct. The golden rule is control!

Did you know ?

The size of a child’s head changes very little as they grow. When buying a helmet, be sure to choose a model that fits properly. Also, helmets last for 5 years.

2. Bindings

Why adjust your bindings?

Ski bindings are an indispensable tool for safe skiing. They are designed to withstand the regular bumps and jolts of skiing and release in the event of a fall. Springs on the inside of the bindings are adjusted to withstand a certain amount of pressure (DIN setting). The ski will release if the pressure is exceeded.

Bindings need to be adjusted to each skier…

DIN is adjusted to individual skiers based on three factors:

  1. Experience (beginner, intermediate, or expert)
  2. Weight
  3. Boot length

DIN must be adjusted by a qualified person at the beginning of each season.

Did you know ?

  • To ensure a proper boot/binding anchoring surface, you have to remove any snow under the boot soles or in the ski bindings.
  • Worn heel supports can be unsafe.
  • Improperly adjusted bindings may have serious consequences.
  • 29% of injuries on the slopes are knee injuries.
  • 50% of knee injuries are due to improper DIN adjustment.